Praise: Proclaiming the Glory of God – Day 2 Day Maker

This is the day the Lord has made.
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24

Giving warmth and gladness bright,
Bringing forth your wondrous light.

Some days are designed for us to work and some designed to rest. Some days are filled with laughter and some are filled with tears. Some days are celebrated and some are mourned. Some days are meant for quiet and some are meant for conversations. But no matter the day, it is a day that our Heavenly Father has made.

He has made everything beautiful at just the right time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). He made all of our days, for both work and for rest (Exodus 20:8-11), and he teaches us to account for them and seek wisdom in each one (Psalm 90:12). He is the one who plans our days, recording every one (Psalm 139:16). He  is also the one who gives us Jesus, the Dayspring, who guides us in the way of peace and brings the light of day in our darkest night (Luke 1:78-79).

Pause and take time to reflect on your day yesterday. Consider what kind of day it was, whether hectic or relaxing, busy or unproductive, stressful or inspiring. Notice any thoughts feelings, and reactions the day produced. What might our Father be speaking to you in this moment?

Praise our Heavenly Father for the gift of every day, knowing that no matter what it brings, he is in it. Praise him for his Son, Jesus, our Dayspring.


Heavenly Father,
You are the Day Maker.
Let the way I live my life always proclaim your glory..

For the story behind Praise: Proclaiming the Glory of God, visit the first blog in the Praise series.

If you’d like to see all the books currently available in my Be Still series, visit my Be Still page.

All the books in the Be Still series are available on Amazon. Visit my author page Jill English Johnston.

Grace and Peace

About Jill English Johnston

God writes His story on every heart, if we only pause to read it. My heart has lived in a fantasy world since early childhood and am delighted that God has finally brought me to the place where I can bring the fantasies to life through story. I am currently working on a fantasy trilogy (of course) but I also post thoughts, reflections and (hopefully) inspiration to my website: I am a follower of the Rabbi Jesus, married to my best friend and inspiration, and the mother of three incredible children, one daughter and two sons, a son-in-love, a daughter-in-love and two adorable granddaughters. When not writing, I passionately pursue prayer, reading (never enough time to read them all!), and the outdoors. My husband and I both served in the US Navy and have lived/travelled through many states and all over Asia. We both still enjoy travelling, but we really love our home in New Braunfels, located at the Texas Hill Country.
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