Praise: Proclaiming the Glory of God – Day 4 Kingdom Creator

Praise the Lord, everything he has created,
everything in all his kingdom.

Psalm 103:22

Whether big or whether small,
Ever praising through it all.

Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father. But not a kingdom of military might and strength, nor one enforced through control, coercion, and violence, nor focused on accumulating power, wealth, or influence. Rather, his Kingdom values surrendered living, sacrificial love for others, kindness, gentleness, and extending generosity, peace and justice to the oppressed, the poor, and the downtrodden.

We are called to seek the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father above all else through the way we live, trusting him to provide for us (Matthew 6:33). He is the King of nations, great and full of power (Jeremiah 10:6-7), yet doing good for his people out of kindness, compassion and love (Isaiah 63:7). Our Father gives us Jesus, our King, whom he has set above all rulers, authorities, powers, and leaders—in this world and the world to come (Ephesians 1:21).

Pause and take time to see the people around you today. Consider their situations, whether they are struggling, unfairly treated, or being taken advantage of. Notice any pain, sorrow, or hardships they may be experiencing. What might our Father be speaking to you in this moment?

Praise our Heavenly Father for his heart of kindness, compassion, and love for his people. Praise him for his Son, Jesus, the One who reigns his good Kingdom.


Heavenly Father,
You are the Kingdom Creator.
Even when I’m overwhelmed, may my praise for you rise up.

For the story behind Praise: Proclaiming the Glory of God, visit the first blog in the Praise series.

If you’d like to see all the books currently available in my Be Still series, visit my Be Still page.

All the books in the Be Still series are available on Amazon. Visit my author page Jill English Johnston.

Grace and Peace

About Jill English Johnston

God writes His story on every heart, if we only pause to read it. My heart has lived in a fantasy world since early childhood and am delighted that God has finally brought me to the place where I can bring the fantasies to life through story. I am currently working on a fantasy trilogy (of course) but I also post thoughts, reflections and (hopefully) inspiration to my website: I am a follower of the Rabbi Jesus, married to my best friend and inspiration, and the mother of three incredible children, one daughter and two sons, a son-in-love, a daughter-in-love and two adorable granddaughters. When not writing, I passionately pursue prayer, reading (never enough time to read them all!), and the outdoors. My husband and I both served in the US Navy and have lived/travelled through many states and all over Asia. We both still enjoy travelling, but we really love our home in New Braunfels, located at the Texas Hill Country.
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